Specialized / Additional Areas of Training I have received (beyond licensing and CEU requirements):
Emotion-Focused Therapy for Couples, 5-day Externship in Ottawa, Canada with Susan Johnson, Ed.D. 2000.
ISTDP (Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy) International Summit (3 days), Milan, Italy, 2001.
Emotion-Focused Therapy for Individuals, 5-day Externship in Toronto, Canada with Les Greenberg, Ph.D. 2002.
"Process of Change" Conference (5 days) in Neurobiology and Psychotherapy with Daniel Siegel, M.D. 2003.
AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy) 5-day Externship in New York City with Diana Fosha, Ph.D. 2004.
International Enneagram Association Annual Conference, San Francisco (3 days), 2006.
Intensive Course in the Application of the Enneagram for Psychological and Spiritual Integration with Marlene Cohen, Ph.D., and Helen Palmer, 2007.
PBSP (Pesso-Boyden System Psychomotor) Psychotherapy Intensive 3-day workshop, Franklin, NH with Al Pesso, 2008.
Psychoanalytic Supervision and Consultation - 2006 - present. Emphasis on object relations, attachment, and contemporary relational theories (Fairbairn, Guntrip, Winnicott, Bowlby, Kohut, Stolorow [Intersubjectivity], Ogden) and a foundation of classical theory (Freud, Klein, Jung).